Meet The Team

At Landworks Title Agency Corp., our single most important goal is 100% customer satisfaction. As the years pass, we have become well-known for our highly efficient, service-oriented reputation, while consistently delivering an exceptional experience for our clients. With the implementation of new technologies and streamlined account management, we believe we are well positioned to continue this trend for years to come.

Landworks Title will always take pride in providing cost-effective customized reporting and attention to detail on every transaction. With extensive online account management capabilities and flexible scheduling, we are dedicated to providing unsurpassed levels of service!  At all times, our focus remains on giving our clients a competitive edge in their marketplace. 

We’ve built a team of the best people and state-of-the-art technology to ensure that real estate transactions close in an efficient and professional manner. Because of our attention to these important elements, we attribute our continued growth to the emphasis we’ve placed on what has makes us successful: our satisfied customers. 

Vice President

Don Forchelli

Don Forchelli is widely recognized for his exceptional ability to address challenges head-on, finding innovative solutions and navigating complexities with precision and expertise. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to every transaction. His collaborative approach with attorneys representing both buyers and sellers has cemented his reputation as a trusted figure in the brokerage and closing sphere.